From Grief to Peace

Safe and Protected Environment

After experiencing a significant loss, you may be prone to behaviors that you later regret.  For instance, snapping at your daughter’s innocent question or gesture of concern. Or, maybe flying off the handle when your childhood friend gently suggests that it might be time to get back out into the world.  These are “normal” expressions of love from those who love you.  However, when you are moving through grief, “normal” is not easy to identify.  Also, you may have things you would like to discuss but do not feel comfortable doing so with family and friends.  These are two reasons why you need a secure and guarded atmosphere in which to express yourself, vent your emotions, and begin to rebuild your life.  There is no reason to regret things you say when we meet and I will not take offense when you say them.  Likewise, you can feel free to say anything to me without judgment or reprisal.  When we meet in this way, you are empowered to … be yourself, feel the things you are feeling, say the things you need to say, and express all your emotions, including sadness, anger, loneliness, regret, and fear, to name a few.  This is my promise to you.  Melodee

Hello! I'm Melodee.

I am a Montana-based Certified Christian Grief and Caregiver Coach who wants to walk beside and with you as you journey through your grief process.  I have lost many people in my life and my grief has been entirely different for each one.

Before I became a grief and caregiver coach, I worked in the legal field for many years.  I loved the legal field but my husband’s passing (and a not-so-subtle nudge from the Lord to follow this calling) motivated me to help others who find themselves asea after losing a loved one.

Melodee Claassen

I Can Help You in the Following Ways

One-on-One Coaching

A Year of Group Coaching

The Grief to Peace Online Course

One-on-one coaching is exactly what it sounds like. You and I (and the Lord!) meet together weekly to discuss your grief process, work through any challenges that come up, and review accountability for previously set action items. We will work to overcome your grief pain and, when you are ready, we will begin to map out the life plan you decide upon.

My group coaching program is set up as an intimate, open forum of about ten or so people. We meet weekly for a short presentation and then discuss specifics of recovering from grief. Sometimes, we will have an expert speaker join us. In addition to my guidance through the grief process, the members of this group share their grief-related concerns and usually bond through common experiences.

My Grief to Peace online course will be available shortly, most likely in early Spring 2023. In addition to the course, I will be providing group coaching calls weekly as well as a community networking system similar to Facebook, but entirely our own. If  you would like to be placed on the waitlist for this course and receive updates, please click the button below.




Happy New Year! Or Is It?

Most people are excited to begin a new year. They might have made some New Year’s resolutions and are planning how to fulfill them. Or, maybe they have a special event planned ahead, like a family wedding, graduation, or baby’s birth. Maybe …

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Grief: The Top Five Things To Know

It is important to have at least a minimal understanding of what to expect during your grief process. This way, you are not “surprised” with how grief can affect you, your interaction with family, friends, and co-workers, and the emotions that you will likely feel.

If you are experiencing grief right now, there are many things you should know. However, let’s start with the five that I feel are the most important.​

To receive this free offering, please click below and complete the form.

Five Tips For The Year Of Firsts

Grief, after the initial shock, has a way of ebbing and flowing. However, the order of events and holidays throughout each year remains annoyingly the same.  It is normal to feel that you do not want to celebrate certain holidays and milestones or do not feel like sharing a special day. The good news is that you don’t have to. However, you do need to do something, as opposed to sitting at home and hiding from the world.

If you would like some tips for sharing special days or celebrating them alone, please click below and complete the form to receive this free offering.

Tell Me About Your Journey

True grief is something that most people only experience 3-4 times during their lifetime and often others will not understand the emotions and behavior because they have not been in a position to experience this depth of grief for themselves. Through no fault of their own, they just don’t get it. This leaves you feeling isolated and alone.

If you have landed on this website, you are probably hurting or know someone who is hurting. Please send me a quick note and let me know a bit about your situation. I would love to offer a one-time, FREE 30-Minute Session to share your grief story and the biggest challenge you are facing right now.

Don’t feel that you have to travel this journey alone. Let’s walk together!

“Honor Your Loved One By Embracing Life Today . . . Every Day!”

Melodee Claassen