Caregiver Care

Caregivers are exceptional human beings . . . LoveGivers, in my opinion. They give of themselves until it hurts, either emotionally or physically, or both. They think nothing of emptying themselves out over and over again in service to their loved one until there is an even bigger issue at hand.

The “Caregiver’s Bigger Issue” is large indeed.  They are so exhausted and emotionally drained (and possibly suffering from anticipatory grief) that their own lives begin to unravel. At this point, the caregiver needs help, too! This begs the question of how the caregiver can provide what is needed if he or she is unable to care for him- or herself? This is when I am asked to step in to assist. It is my goal to help these amazing people find balance in their lives and to teach them how to sustain this balance.

The Caregiver's Road Map

We will determine what is lacking and off center in your life and will then create a road map for getting your life back in order…all while keeping your loved one’s needs top of mind. We will discuss topics like faith, sleep patterns, diet, exercise, and thought management. From these conversations we will form a personalized plan for you and we will break the plan down into small actionable steps, which should set you on the right path to reclaiming your healthy lifestyle and life balance. When necessary, we will tweak our road map in order to continue on the right path. We will work to create balance in your life so you are healthier and better able to handle your caregiving responsibilities. Together, we will search for a way to create some time and space for your mind to renew itself. We will look for ways to balance all areas of your life so you can attain and then maintain your good health and mental agility

The Caregiver's Journey

At first, it will seem like a lot because your life has entirely changed from what it once was and you are emotionally and physically worn out. However, we will set our objectives and goals and each actionable step will be small so the changes are not overwhelming. Together we will work to make sure that you mend your life by adding much needed balance.

Free 30-Minute Discovery Session​

You would not be reading this if everything was rosy in your garden, so I would like to offer a one-time, FREE 30-minute session to discuss an area of your life with which you need immediate help. Just reach out to me and we will schedule your FREE session.

“And looking at them Jesus said to them,

‘With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.'”

[Matt. 19:26, NASB]