Grief and Loss

You can’t see the forest for the trees. I’ve been there . . . several times. And, though my experiences may have been different than yours, the pain and loss feel the same. They are almost tangible. The fact is, grief, left alone, takes on average five to eight years to overcome. When you are experiencing traumatic loss, this is not a welcome thought. The idea that you might have to live with this pain for years is unbearable.

However, I am here to tell you that you do not have to face it alone or become desolate at the thought of living your “new normal” for the next several years. I can help you to move forward through the abyss that is grief and to emerge stronger on the other side. Yes, it really is possible! Together, we can drastically reduce the length of your mourning so you can let go of the bad, all the while retaining the good.

Your Grief and Loss Coaching

We will work to stabilize your reeling world so you feel like you are walking on solid ground again. This will help you to think more clearly.

We will work to restore happiness and to get you on the right path to the life you now want. Happiness, even while grieving, is crucial.

We will work to lessen and then completely remove all remnants of your “new normal”. And, watch as another “BETTER NORMAL” takes hold and grows.

We will work to alleviate the pain and systematically move you forward into your future. Because you do have a future! Reach out to me today and we can start to ease the heartache.

Honor Your Loved One By Embracing Life

Losing someone you love is never easy. There are so many emotions roiling around inside you that it hurts, literally. You are just plain weary from “feeling”. This, of course, is to be expected and is typical of the grieving process.

I believe that God has provided a way of approaching our feelings and thoughts that allows most people to be revitalized while, at the same time, their mental and emotional anguish is lessened. It entails a different way of thinking and behaviors that align with this new thought process.

Honor Your Loved One By Embracing Life Today . . . Every Day is how I approach grief coaching. When we start our coaching sessions, we will begin with where you are at that time and will work on those issues and feelings that you define as challenges. We will also address anything that invariably comes up during the grief process. We will personalize our grief sessions based upon your own grief experience. Grief is not a “one size fits all” process and should not be approached as though it is. This program will take you from where you are in the mourning process to a happier, more vibrant state of mind, provided you are committed to doing the work and understand that this healing will take time. God is always good and He provides for us in every circumstance, according to His will. Honor Your Loved One By Embracing Life Today . . . Every Day is the cornerstone of my grief coaching.

FREE 30-Minute Discovery Session

You don't have to continue your rapid downward spiral. I can help you. Reach out to me today for a one-time, FREE 30-minute Discovery Session to discuss an area of your life with which you need immediate help.

“‘For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord,

‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.'”

[Jer. 29:11, NASB]