Are You Looking Forward to the New Year?
Most people are excited to begin a new year. They might have made some New Year’s resolutions and are planning how to fulfill them. Or, maybe they have a special event planned ahead, like a wedding, graduation, or baby’s birth. Maybe they have a milestone birthday in the New Year that they plan to celebrate in fine fashion. Whatever it may be, most people are looking forward to the beginning of a new year. But, you may not be feeling the same. Maybe you are feeling sad. Maybe you are feeling lonely. Maybe you are feeling let down. Maybe all three…AND MORE! You are not alone. At any given moment in the United States, approximately 50 million people are suffering from grief and grief related symptoms. It is not a “happy” time and it may seem like there is nothing to look forward to in the New Year.
Change Your Outlook
As a Christian grief coach and widow, I encourage you to rethink and change this outlook. It may be a time of mourning for you; however, I am here to tell you that sadness and happiness can coexist and loneliness and joy can live peacefully together. Let me tell you a true, personal story to explain what I mean. My extraordinary husband, Ken, passed away on December 8th of 2004. We held Ken’s celebration of life on Thursday, December 16th. My oldest step-daughter came from Oregon to attend Ken’s funeral and celebration of life. She had just the month before given birth to our second grandchild, J.J., and she brought J.J. with her because he was still so young. I had not yet even met J.J. After Ken’s celebration of life, Heather and I went to the nursery to spend some time together and it was here that I held J.J. for the first time. I remember holding him and looking down at him while he slept in my arms. I was sad because Ken had never met J.J. and, yet, I was pleased, even happy, to know that a part of Ken lived on in J.J. and his sister, Amber. This is but one example of grief and another emotion coexisting. God has wonderfully made us and we can use all of our positive emotions and our powerful mind to make mourning easier. I entreat you to endeavor to look forward to the New Year and rejoice in what it may bring.
Keep looking up,