
The cornerstone of successful coaching is getting to the heart of the issue. It is vital to understand what is happening and why. Without this knowledge, we may be coaching with an inaccurate assumption while the greater issue is still lying under the surface, untouched and unresolved.

Since I mainly coach clients who are mourning, you would think that the underlying issue would be somewhat the same. However, this is not true. Though the pain of the loss is predominantly the same, the emotions and circumstances surrounding the death can be very, very diverse.

What Will We Work On?

We will begin immediately to lessen your pain and heartbreak.  There are many things we can do to help you cope better. We will talk about grief and happiness and how these really can co-exist. We will work to determine what your values, objectives, and goals are and how these will impact your future plans.  Creating a blueprint for your future that is not in alignment with your values and objectives can be disastrous.

We will discuss the importance of living life and what this means. We will discuss the importance of a balanced life and how to achieve this. We will work together to develop coping strategies and stress reducers. We will talk about gratitude and how it fits into your life today and in the future. We will utilize scripture and will discuss the application of specific scriptures to your situation.  ring our sessions. This is just a short list of things we might address.

Because grief is an individualized experience, we will start our work wherever you are and move forward from there.  At first, it will hurt.  However, we will walk this path together until we reach the other side.  You may not realize it or think so, but you are resilient and you can do this.

What Can I Expect During Our Coaching Sessions?

In order to discover the real problem, we will talk and you will be asked thought provoking questions. I will expect you to answer honestly and completely. “I don’t know” is an unhelpful response in coaching and we will avoid all instances of this answer.

Our sessions will be held online, using Skype or Zoom, or we will talk by phone. My preference is to use Skype or Zoom so we can see each other during our sessions. During our time together, you will create a road map for moving forward.  We will work together to break the road map down into actionable steps. We may also decide on some additional tasks if our session indicates a need.

Coaching is Client-Led and Coach-Supported

Coaching is not about offering pie in the sky advice. You do not meet with me, tell me about your challenges and then quietly sit still and wait while I come up with the very words or action items needed to address the issue. (Wouldn’t it be nice if it could be so easy!) The fact is, ONLY YOU can come up with the very best solution FOR YOU. A solution that would be the perfect fit for the same issue in my life would likely not be a match for you and the dilemma in your life. People are individuals and need individual solutions.

We will work together so you can determine the actions that are necessary to reach your ultimate goals. We will craft a plan for moving forward and will break the plan down into actionable steps, each of which can be achieved within an agreed upon period of time. This will take work on your part and it will be hard at times.

As we work through the thoughts, emotions, and barriers, be sure to expect tears and laughter . . . and everything in-between. However, know that it will all be worth it.


As your grief coach, I will be your accountability partner. During our sessions, we will discuss any items that have come due. If these items have not been completed, I will ask why and we will try to determine the cause of the delay.

In the painful state of grief, it could be that the task is too overwhelming and needs to be broken down into smaller steps. In other instances, fear may play a part. If this is the case, we will need to delve into the reason for the fear so we can address it.

I really believe you will be amazed at what you can achieve with faith-inspired, purposeful, and compassionate coaching and care. If you would like to learn more about my approach, our sessions, and what is truly possible for your life, please reach out to me so we can roll up our sleeves and get to work.

FREE 30-Minute Discovery Session

If you would like to schedule a one-time, FREE 30-minute Discovery Session with me to discuss some ways to clear the fog you are currently living in, please contact me and we can set up an appointment to talk. I would love to help.