

Clients have come to me in order to tackle their negative thoughts and subsequent unwanted behaviors. I have helped them to overcome their contrary thought patterns which, in turn, affect their behaviors.

Thought to Emotion to Behavior

Our behaviors are the result of our emotions and our emotions stem from our thoughts. We do not have an emotion that is not first preceded by a thought. Said another way, we have a thought, which evokes an emotion, which leads to a specific behavior. This is the flow of every thought we have. Yes, every single one of them!

Causal Coaching

When I studied to become a Certified Christian Grief and Life Coach, the school I chose taught causal coaching and this was by design. I wanted to learn causal coaching as I felt it was the most effective way to coach. This method of coaching delves into the reason behind your behavior by tracing the behavior and emotion back to the original thought. By allowing you to determine why and how the thought occurred, you can see and understand why you are feeling and behaving a certain way. Armed with this realization and positive, insightful coaching, you can then work to change how you think about things and thereby change your emotions and behavior. This is very powerful and liberating!

Toxic Thoughts

Bad, also known as toxic, thoughts hinder us at every turn. As I noted above, toxic thoughts affect our emotions which, in turn, affect our behavior and health. The outcome of these unwanted and unhelpful thoughts can be a loss of focus, an increase in stress level, added overwhelm, volatile anger, and many other negative behaviors and attendant health issues. If you feel that you need help with Thought Etiquette, please reach out to me so we can discuss your “thoughts”.

FREE 30-Minute Discovery Session

If you would like to discuss thought management as a way to free yourself from toxic thoughts, I would like to offer you a one-time, FREE 30-minute Discovery Session. Just reach out to me and we can coordinate our calendars for your session.

“It’s not the events of our lives that shape us,

but our beliefs as to what those events mean.”

Tony Robbins